Monday, April 20, 2015

The Western Wind

The sun rises on wild spirits,
Where the mountains touch the sky,
Eagle soars upon morning breeze,
A quiet land sets heart at ease,
As life begins to awaken.

A man sets his face to the wind,
Ready to make the day work,
As the west wind is heard,
Speaking truth without words,
Setting meaning firm in heart.

For life is not an easy thing,
Yet God gives us each a strength,
For all the work of our hands,
As part of His plans,
Makes us more each day.

Underneath the western skies,
Good men and women stand tall,
Where the Spirit of America sings,
With freedom’s bell still ringing,
Find purpose under the stars.

We gather together as neighbors,
For no one out here is a stranger,
Red blood runs in us all,
Together we are standing tall,
Making futures strong forever.

I will never lack anything,
For all things that matter are near,
God gave me a wonderful wife,
With our daughter a beautiful life,
My spirit sings in the western wind.

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