Saturday, July 9, 2022

Cold Light

In contemplation of the need to come together to spark the reawakening of hearts needed to overcome dark times.

The light is cold,

From the black sun,

Where life and time,

Are crushed away.

Light can not escape,

This mind bending reality,

 Where normal is forgotten,

And the nightmare stays.

Such is our world,

Where fathers and mothers,

Join hands and hearts,

In turning away from their sons.

With warnings unheeded,

They feign surprise,

After a Chicago parade,

Where tragic deeds were done.

If our hearts embrace this cold light,

Our souls will be lost to the night.

In every community,

The silent do suffer,

Fighting cancer or tragedy,

Which many know is true.

While the church going practice,

Faith without action,

Making potent words empty,

Saying, “I”ll pray for you!”

With a distant invasion,

Or killing many with a car,

In the city of Berlin,

We say, “The problem isn’t mine.”

Yet darkness sweeps the world,

Through this butterfly effect,

In sharing the same feeling hearts,

We are all human kind.

If our hearts embrace this cold light,

Our souls will be lost to the night.

We each hold a flame,

A small light in the darkness,

Yet when flames come together,

They create a huge fire.

God gave us each other,

We can overcome together,

Through all situations,

No matter how dire.

Love creates faith,

Faith creates action,

Action creates change,

Bringing a sunrise through night.

So look into the eyes,

Of all who are near you,

Through the connection of souls,

We dispel the cold light.