Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Touch (for Ewa Błaszczyk and family)

There is a Polish actress named Ewa Błaszczyk (Polish link, but shows Ewa's daughter Ola) who suffered the loss of her husband, and a terrible accident with her daughter Ola.  Ola lost partial function in her brain leaving her unable to speak or move.  In a documentary about her, I was amazed at Ola's responsiveness and signs of understanding.  Further interviews with people who have come out of this state reveal first hand accounts of what it is like to be trapped inside a body you can not communicate with, when your mind is sound.  Ewa and her other daughter have poured over 10 years of love and support into Ola so she can have what life may be possible to enjoy.  She has also started a foundation called Akogo to find cures to such neurological ailments.  If you can help people by supporting this or another neurology foundation in your own company, do so.  In the end, love will overcome all obstacles.

 Ewa and daughters before the accident

Ewa and daughter Ola after the accident

The accident happened,
The injury came,
Everything changed,
All of a sudden,
She could not talk,
Unable to move,
I look in her eyes,
My daughter is still,
She is still my heart,
My mind is torn,
Destroying my heart,
For love is powerful,
And I feel so week,
There is no escape,
Even in my sleep.

The accident happened,
And this I do know,
There is so much to say,
Which I cannot show,
My mother stays with me,
With strength of love,
Each day I must face,
Trapped inside this place,
Why did God allow this,
To happen to me?
Trying to move,
As they care for me,
Trying to speak,
Just one single word,
Yet I remain unheard.

I reach to my daughter,
Just one single touch,
Her eyes speak the words,
I love you so much,
A tear in my eye,
I try not to cry,
With wordless talk,
As limitations abound,
So many unaware,
In their lives out there,
Yet love overcomes,
This and much more,
Giving our lives meaning,
For God gave us touch,
To open this door.

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