Friday, May 6, 2016

The Shepherd

 For the children of Pedda Suraram

The Shepherd laughs,
As his little ones laugh,
Following his heart,
Showing them love,
Upon fields of joy.

The little ones see,
As the Shepherd sees,
Musicians playing sweet songs,
Causing heads to turn,
Casting eyes upon them.

The Shepherd sees,
As the flock walks away,
Dancing to new songs,
Leaving fields of joy,
As they go behind the rocks.

And then the music stops,
The musicians have gone,
While the little ones luck,
Not knowing where they are,
Breaking the Shepherd's heart.

Then they hear the growls,
The hunger in the rocks,
The shadows showing eyes,
Fixed upon their prey,
The little ones cry in fear.

The Shepherd springs before them,
Standing in the gap,
Defending the little ones lives,
He gives his life for them,
That they may all be free.

Running back to safety,
Back to the fields of joy,
They find their Shepherd standing,
In triumph living again,
With outstretched arms of love.

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