Monday, April 25, 2022

The Comfortable Illusion


There is an unseen ability,

In the ability to unsee,

As one person looks at another,

Not acknowledging their words,

Not reading their feelings,

As if they were not there.

  On our phones we see the world,

Missing the birds in the trees,

Missing the souls on the streets,

Not seeing lightning from the clouds,

While beneath an endless sky,

Where dreams were once made real.

Yet on the chance two souls meet,

Through the windows of the eyes,

The spark ignites a fire,

Which draws others from the darkness,

Setting them aglow,

Turning the night into day.

Yet seeing invites joy,

Seeing evokes pain,

For only the heart can see truly,

Which pushes back the boundaries, 

Expanding the universe of possibility,

Giving others hope.

The fear of connecting,

Is only an illusion,

Whereas being alone in life,

Is the true darkness,

Since God gave us each other,

And no one manages alone.

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my to find my ebooks and blogs. 

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#illusion #reality #human #understanding #insight #inspiration #faith #hope #love @writersofinstagram @deadofnightpoetry @poetry.after.dark @poetsoftheglobe @dobledebruce

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Instance of Forever

Can an instant be forgotten in the endlessness of time, or is moment a universe in itself?  I contemplated this looking at the eyes which met mine while passing before a window.

When we lock eyes with another,

It is but an instant,

Yet the mind does not forget,

Anything seen or heard,

So all of those moments,

And all of those faces,

Add to our beings,

Causing us to grow.

Each moment becomes a chance,

To share the gift of a smile,

The strength of a word,

Or the wisdom of love,

As each face hides a story,

Of triumph or tragedy,

And the gifts which we give,

Change the courses of life.

This flow can be seen,

Within the course of a river,

Or the face of the seashore,

Rearranged by the storm,

As each element of change,

Must add to the story,

While each moment of being,

Stands forever in time.

These things I will write,

As a mere tinkerer of words,

With my eyes within the world,

And my heart outside of time,

That you may see the unseen,

Behind all which you see,

That you may stand in astonishment,

Before the magic of life.

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my link tree to find my ebooks and blogs. 

From Instagram: (link in bio)

From Facebook & Twitter:

#inspiration #faith #hope #love @writersofinstagram @deadofnightpoetry @poetry.after.dark @poetsoftheglobe @dobledebruce




The Power of Love


I just wrote this for someone who was losing hope.

Many spend a generation not truly living,

A few live without limits every moment,

For time is a cruel illusion of Earth,

Only the heart has true vision,

And life is endless for the heart.

Treasures of living are in the souls we touch,

For each contact makes a lasting change,

We each have free will to chose our impact,

And the gift of love is power without limit,

Creating fruit that reproduces with each smile.

Men have sought truth over the centuries,

Yet it is offered freely in the hand of God,

Something you chose to accept and multiply,

For your touch brings joy to many lives,

Sparking the love which brings meaning to all.

If love can heal the complexity of our souls,

God certainly uses it to heal the body,

For lives like yours are stars in the darkness,

The stars always guide souls lost at sea,

And you have many more to guide home.

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my link tree to find my ebooks and blogs. 

From Instagram: (link in bio)

From Facebook & Twitter:

#inspiration #faith #hope #love @writersofinstagram @deadofnightpoetry @poetry.after.dark @poetsoftheglobe @dobledebruce

Seeds of the Heart

 “Seeds of the Heart”

One will plant seeds,

Another will make them grow,

Others reap the harvest,

Of what the original has sown.

Such is the way of life,

Which has been from the start,

Such is the fruit of love,

Which comes from the heart.

Our souls invest in others,

Planting such seeds,

Our words can carry them far,

As if blown by the breeze.

Though we walk up on the land,

Close to those we hold near,

Our hearts beat within the lives,

Of those we hold dear.

A man breathes love within his wife,

She stands strong with in his soul,

Together two made one,

They become a perfect whole.

This is a gift of God,

Through love’s work and endeavor,

That those who reach for love,

Live inside of it forever.

These truths cannot be broken,

By hatred or war,

Which shuts out light and hope,

Yet love remains the open door.

By holding on to this truth,

When all hope seems to be gone,

We will always be together,

We will always be strong.

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my link tree to find my ebooks and blogs. 

From Instagram: (link in bio)

From Facebook & Twitter:

#inspiration #faith #hope #love @writersofinstagram @deadofnightpoetry @poetry.after.dark @poetsoftheglobe 


 I just wrote this while stopping for gas.  The name means “puzzlement” to be brief, and I believe a questioning heart leads to wisdom.  This is the first step away from the darkness of fear and towards answers or enlightenment.

Truths are only discovered through puzzlement,

Not understanding all of the answers,

Yet knowing there is more than we can see,

Knowing without any proofs,

For knowledge without evidence is faith.

Not to know everything is a gift,

Because we are given life for a reason,

With each day’s journey continued,

Leading to others about to begin,

With adventures of the soul unfolding.

Theoretical physics is a map of math,

Showing evidence of unfound places,

Long felt by uncounted faces,

Like the answers we know to exist,

For the darkness we see today.

Aporia is a blessing to the mind,

For exploration is a thirst of the heart,

Which sees beyond vision of the eyes,

Leading to meaning and understanding,

Bringing wisdom and joy to the soul.

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my link tree to find my ebooks and blogs. 

From Instagram: (link in bio)

From Facebook & Twitter:

#Question #understand  #invasion #war  #life #hope #beauty #peace  #poetry #writing

 #Ukraine   #writerscommunity  #writers  #creativewriting  #writersofinstagram  #artistsofinstagram

@thewriterswarmth  @frozzenwhispers #amwriting



 I am presenting my new poem about the inner soul using this image, with permission, as I believe  it is one of the few pictures that reveals the inner soul.  Secondly, she is a refugee that escaped Ukraine.  With this invasion being “in that country far away” seeing images of a foreign land on the news seems distant.  When you look into her eyes, one of the targets of Putin’s rockets, this invasion  becomes personal.  What you chose to do, or not to do, will reveal your inner soul.

Our inner personalities,

Who we truly are,

All that we hope to be,

Hidden under the cloak of persona,

The mask that we wear for others,

Fitting into precast molds,

For all the world to see.

Yet each individual is precious,

Each individual is different,

With exceptional potential by far,

Though exceptions may be shunned,

They stand out against the darkness,

Which is why looking up at night,

Reveals the moon and stars.

We try to meet social expectations,

And our light becomes carefully hidden,

Like treasure sinking under the sand,

And for many depression sets in,

As they begin to forget who they are,

Trying to meet the requirements,

Set in motion by another’s plan.

Yet exceptions can change the world,

With one person starting a war,

Just as one person could bring peace,

Yet peace must start within the soul,

Coming to grips with individuality,

Having the courage to show the world,

Yet nothing good comes with ease.

Pain is a part of living,

Leading to wisdom and growth,

Yet we are told it is something to avoid,

But there is no joy without pain,

There is no love without tears,

There is no courage without fears,

There is only a void.

I cannot wear a mask,

Who I am shows who I will become,

As I grow forward sharing all that I see,

Exploring life as an adventure,

Understanding human souls is the journey,

With the heart having vision,

Of all that can truly be.

#animas #persona #psychology #depression #joy #living

by Eric Visconti - Poet

Exploring Life

“Words are the beginning of every journey.”

Visit my link tree to find my ebooks and blogs. 

From Instagram: (link in bio)

From Facebook & Twitter:

The Stars Beneath Us

 - a new poem about human connections, as we unite together in dark times

“Stars Beneath the Sky”

I look out across the mountains,

Into the valley below,

Seeing lights both near and far,

Shining colors like the stars,

Shining life into the night.

Each one a gathering,

Around which gather souls,

For light brings hope and inspires,

Since long ago when they were fires,

Bringing warmth beneath the stars.

In the distance the lights are moving,

Traveling on roads and highways,

They are going to and fro,

Where they head I do not know,

Lives connecting with lives.

Around each light I feel the stories,

Each life a tale with connection,

Breathing in a tapestry of lives,

With passion each heart thrives,

Affecting many they do not know.

Above our heads around the stars,

Souls of the past gather and share,

Telling tales around those fires,

Looking down to what they inspired,

Sharing our time outside of time.

  #war #invasion #ukraine #russia #hope #peace #together #writing #creative #poetry

Friday, April 22, 2022

Si艂a Mi艂o艣ci

 Wielu sp臋dza ca艂e pokolenie, nie 偶yj膮c tak naprawd臋,

 Kilku 偶yje bez ogranicze艅 w ka偶dej chwili,

 Bo czas jest okrutn膮 iluzj膮 Ziemi,

 Tylko serce ma prawdziw膮 wizj臋,

 A 偶ycie nie ma ko艅ca dla serca.

 Skarby 偶ycia s膮 w duszach, kt贸rych dotykamy,

 Aby ka偶dy kontakt wprowadza艂 trwa艂膮 zmian臋,

 Ka偶dy z nas ma woln膮 wol臋 wyboru swojego wp艂ywu,

 A dar mi艂o艣ci to moc bez granic,

 Tworzenie owoc贸w, kt贸re rozmna偶aj膮 si臋 z ka偶dym u艣miechem.

 Ludzie szukali prawdy przez wieki,

 A jednak jest ofiarowana za darmo w r臋ce Boga,

 Co艣, co zdecydowa艂e艣 si臋 zaakceptowa膰 i pomno偶y膰,

 Bo Tw贸j dotyk przynosi rado艣膰 wielu istnieniom, 

Rozpalanie mi艂o艣ci kt贸ra nadaje sens wszystkim.

 Je艣li mi艂o艣膰 mo偶e uzdrowi膰 z艂o偶ono艣膰 naszych dusz,

 B贸g z pewno艣ci膮 u偶ywa go do uzdrawiania cia艂a,

 Bo 偶ycia takie jak twoje s膮 gwiazdami w ciemno艣ci,

 Gwiazdy zawsze prowadz膮 dusze zagubione na morzu,

 I masz o wiele wi臋cej do poprowadzenia do domu.