Monday, November 17, 2014

The Replantable Seed

This image is from Pink Floyd's "Louder than Words" (video below) released 11/2014
The words I have written below a few moments ago share my conviction how
our actions can touch those around us, but can affect people of other generations
as hearts carry magic forward from life to life.  So as Pink Floyd stands
as an example of sharing in the journey of life across generations, let these words remind
you how we each carry the same power and more.
Our hearts live love,
And love to live again,
Each day through actions,
Each dream through words,
Words without syllables,
Just pure emotions.

We each have a love,
Love tied to a gift,
Something we do well,
A thing done for another,
Something like no other,
Ideas born to the stars.

Breaking through barriers,
These actions take force,
Transcending time and space,
So they may reach another face,
Someone we have never met,
One which we will one day know.

This magic is a music,
Flowing rhythm through time,
Generation to generation,
Sharing of the journey,
Imaginations yearning,
For the beauty we can know.

Let our tears become joy,
For all pain becomes a healing,
A paradox to send minds reeling,
As love transcends all power,
With simplicity profound,
The profound is made simple.
 Our hearts live love,
And love to live again,
Each day through actions,
Each dream through words,
Words without syllables,
Just pure emotions.

We each have a love,
Love tied to a gift,
Something we do well,
A thing done for another,
Something like no other,
Ideas born to the stars.

Breaking through barriers,
These actions take force,
Transcending time and space,
So they may reach another face,
Someone we have never met,
One which we will one day know.

This magic is a music,
Flowing rhythm through time,
Generation to generation,
Sharing of the journey,
Imaginations yearning,
For the beauty we can know.

Let our tears become joy,
For all pain becomes a healing,
A paradox to send minds reeling,
As love transcends all power,
With simplicity profound,
The profound is made simple.

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