Monday, March 30, 2015

Shawn, Bobby, and the Radio

On Sunday we visited with a wonderful lady named Evelyn whowas having a garage sale.  That became a memory and a gift on the eve of what would be my brother's birthday.  This became a moment shared that we will not forget.

On a beautiful Sunday,
Rolling through the country,
Around the next hill,
We passed a garage sale,
Themed to communication,
For there were radios.

The owner was a miracle,
The first baby with a new heart,
Given to him by doctors,
In the city of San Diego,
And he gave his heart to others,
Through his life.

Many people knew him,
He gave them each a smile,
Inspiration to continue,
Becoming part of many lives,
Many adding to his joy,
In their songs.

Music was his passion,
Restoring radios of old,
Hearing music played anew,
Causing music from old machines,
To bless new ears.

The garage sale of family,
Ran by a lady of heart,
Turned a circumstance of ending,
Into new beginnings,
As we spoke of a shared passion,
With my brother and Bobby.

For Shawn loved the old things,
Retaining values of old,
Poured forth his foundation,
Into the world he knew,
As I shared interest in his forging,
While he built memories in my life.

And so the radio of Bobby,
Came into the hands of my heart,
As the five of us shared stories,
While three stood on the driveway,
And two stood in the company,
Of The One.

And so nearly on Shawn’s birthday,
The gift of song plays music,
While the radio stands in my home,
And the song plays in our hearts,
As our souls defy the temporal,
Love’s music resounds forever.

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