Monday, February 3, 2014

The Six Dollar Savior

I was just in a store,
It was Costco I believe,
Just getting some staples,
And wanting to leave,
It was a long day,
With much on my mind,
My work had been done,
I wanted to unwind,
Then I saw the two,
Walking side by side,
Together with age,
Standing with pride,
In their 90’s they were,
In love to the hilt,
Hearts remaining strong,
Though bodies did wilt,
They went to check out,
With just vegetables and fruit,
Just some food to survive,
To good health did suit,
Yet not enough money,
The cashier did report,
For the few things they bought,
They were six dollars short,
She was anxious in line,
They were taken aback,
Then the cashier did say,
Which item to give back,
When a lady came forward,
To help them pull through,
It was not much needed,
And this fact she knew,
She gave the six dollars,
To their surprise,
With thanks from the heart,
Seen deep in their eyes,
Many did see this,
Along with myself,
And saw a true picture,
Of what is real wealth,
May they step forward,
Next time there is need,
May love win this world,
Planted in many hearts,
From this good seed.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You. I enjoyed this. It felt Christmas enough.
    It has feelings of love and kind
    Sorts of stuff.
    I really enjoy reading all of your work
    I hope and I pray that I never twerk.
