Monday, December 30, 2013


I saw this duck in the river by where I work.
What was in the water around him felt the ripples,
Even though they knew not from where they came.
When I sat down, what I wrote took less than a minute.

From where I work,
I could see her,
From where I earn,
She shone in the sun,
Upon the waters moving,
Fine black feathers ,
And a bill,
Bobbing her head,
Into the waters,
Looking for food,
Making ripples,
Making her way,
The waves went out,
Touching the fish,
Affecting the living,
Though the source,
They knew not,
Still affected,
In what they do,
Just like me,
And all of you,
For what we say,
Affects unseen,
Lives not met,
And faces unknown,
For Paul gave proof,
As he met a few,
And wrote some letters,
Yet what he did,
Helped change the world.

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