Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Man of Many Hats

For Marvin, a man who freely gave his joy to many, at the entrance to the Los Coches Wal Mart in El Cajon, CA

Out to the East by Los Coches,

There is a store along the way,

Where stood a man by the door,

Who had a hat for every day.

He was an older man named Marvin,

Who had seen his life with style,

So in his thanks for the gift of time,

He sought to give us each a smile.

He was hard to catch to give a word, 

There was always someone there,

If that person had eight or eighty years,

He would always show he cared.

For folks who move to quick to notice,

He had ways to catch their eyes,

With costumes and hats of colors,

He knew when and how to be sly.

They looked up from their phones to his eyes,

And he greeted them with a smile,

Yet the gift he gave was not for naught,

It would last more than quite a while.

I enjoyed his words when we would speak,

I am sure that he enjoyed mine,

He became a part of each of us,

And he used his gift of time.

I wish I could have seen him once again,

To say thanks for all he gives,

But I know he can hear this as I write,

For in our hearts he lives.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Snowflakes fill the air around me,

Like angels coming from Heaven,

They gently surround me,

Reminding that God is with us,

No matter how dark the times may seem,

Though the sun hides behind the clouds,

Amidst the cold of Winter,

Yet I am warm in the hearts of family,

While Christmas lights of Poland gleam.

With those who are close I share the sunrise,

For in love the sun never sets,

Hearts know of no distance,

I close my eyes in their embrace,

Opening my eyes to family,

While countries are closed in fear,

God blesses with the miracle of travel,

Sheltered amidst the snow covered mountains,

With the family who loves me here.